Posts in book recommendations
The Legend of Queen Maeve and her Tomb

Excerpt from Celtic Spirit The Legend of Queen Maeve and her Tomb

There are many legends of Queen Maeve. Here is an excerpt from Celtic Spirit, describing the group’s introduction to her and her tomb. The teenager Megan is our narrator as the group enters County Sligo, in the west of Ireland.

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The Well of Segais and The Salmon

Excerpt from Celtic Spirit The Well of Segais and The Salmon

Celtic wisdom, the salmon of wisdom, and the sacredness attributed to wells are often mentioned in Celtic lore and my blogs. Here is an excerpt from Celtic Spirit about the mythical Well of Segais where The Tale of the Salmon of Wisdom is said to take place.

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Oracle Card Owl

Since ancient times, the owl has been a sacred animal and spirit guide in many traditions. I was first aware of Owl as an amulet and symbol from the Greek legends, notably the owl who accompanied Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom. Native American, Norse, and Egyptian legends join our Celtic ancestors in honoring Owl for her wisdom.

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A Ritual of Connecting to the the Land

Today, we continue the experiment of my sharing audio excerpts from Celtic Spirit. The tour leader, Dorrie, offers short prayers or rituals at each of the thin places or sacred sites the group visits. These are her words as the group gathers at the top of the hill at the Cliffs of Moher:

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