Jeanne Crane


About Me:

Sharing Celtic Spirituality and Celtic Wisdom through writing blogs and books what I love to do. I also enjoy sharing Celtic teachings through speaking engagements including festivals and book clubs.

My first trip to Ireland was as a teenager. I immediately felt a deep connection to my Celtic roots. But it was on a much later trip that I was introduced to the ancient sites, the dolmens, stone circles and beehive structures that have captivated me. These thin places stir me beyond any cathedral, temple or sacred site I have ever visited. Each trip I take to Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall or the Isle of Mann deeps my connection to the mystery and wonder of our amazing Universe.

My career calling was as a life coach, organizational consultant and facilitator of change. Helping individuals and organizations develop their potential and open to emergent challenges was the thread running through all the professional and volunteer work I did. At this later stage of life, I have begun applying those skills and experiences to writing, traveling and presenting on Celtic wisdom, Celtic spirituality and places to visit in Celtic lands.


The inspiration to write Celtic Spirit A Wee Journey to the Heart of It came to me while in deep meditation at Glendalough. I sensed the need to tell a story of the universality of Spirit, the desperate need for us all to reconnect to Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine, and our need to commit ourselves to peace, love, and the will to live sustainably.

The Snapshots of Ireland Series, a trip around the Wild Atlantic Way Coast of Ireland county by county, was inspired by my extensive travels off the beaten path to visit with locals, track down sacred sites without tour buses and share my “finds”.

Amidst the Stones of Celtic Ireland started with a Reiki session where my friend, who is a Reiki practitioner, shared a message she received that “I was to tell the story, tell the stories of the stones”.